Warren S. Mercer, Jr. 1992 - 1995
Warren S. Mercer, Jr. May 5, 1935 - April 20, 2007 Mr. Warren was posthumously inducted into the PA Music Educators Association's (PMEA) Hall of Fame April 24, 2010. From an article in the North Hills News Record article dated September '92... Retired Director Instrumental in New Band - the beginning of the North Suburban Symphonic Band. Warren Mercer had retired from 31 years as Band Director at North Hills Senior High School and wasn't ready to hang up his baton just yet. In the article, he said, "the band targets the student who played in school but had no place to use that talent after graduation." From a humble beginning with 40 musicians and known originally as the "North Suburban Community Band," the NSSB has developed and matured into a premiere cultural asset in the North Hills with over 75 members. Thank you, Mr. Mercer, for the NSSB. |